Tuesday, March 14, 2017

5 Steps Before Implementing The Diet Program

There are many methods to lose weight. From implementing a diet based on blood type diet, OCD, to now being a trend, ketogenik diet. Well, if you're interested in slimming the body, there are several things You should consider.
Dr. Marya SpGK Hartono from Rumah Sakit Umum Bunda Jakarta reminding the fact diet is setting the pattern of eating. The motif of dietary arrangements vary on each person. Want to lose weight, there are who want to fit bodies, there are also like to eat in accordance with the conditions of the disease being contracted.
"Therefore the first step before implementing the diet, visit a doctor for health status can be assessed, nutritional needs, and whether there is any indication to be given a particular diet modification. Second, the diet of a person is not necessarily the same impact on other people's diet. So do the origin of me-too, "said Marya in Jakarta.
Dieting to lose weight for example, should pay attention to the health conditions, psychiatric conditions, daily activity, socio-economic status, and even the type of job. Third, how long does he want to lose weight? Marya alert, weight loss is too much in a short time are at risk of incurring adverse effects on a person's health status. Therefore, the necessary supervision.
Fourth, the diet lose weight better by limiting the intake of calories. How, remains packed with balanced nutritional composition on a regular basis. Choose food that is healthy and natural. Subtract simple carbohydrates such as sugar, brown sugar, or honey. Subtract also refined carbohydrates such as flour and rice porridge.
"Expand the consumption of fiber from fruits and vegetables. Eating enough side dishes as a source of protein. Reduce saturated fat sources mainly from cooking oil, coconut oil. Fifth, jalanilah healthy living habits by stopping smoking, no alcohol consumption, and increase physical activity, "said Marya.
This health articles sourced from the Tempo.

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